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HomeBusinessManagementWhy Agile Transition is very difficult?

Why Agile Transition is very difficult?

What is Agile Transition-

Before dwelling into the technical and professional aspects which leads to a difficult transition to agile, we must know what Agile Transition actually is. The shifting of work methodologies of an organization from the existing old practices towards the Agile methodology is known as Agile Transition. The transition towards Agile technology involves changes in organizational structure, working culture and methodology to achieve the objective and the ultimate goal effectively and efficiently. To know more about Scrum Master Certification please visit StarAgile site.

Though we know that the change is the only constant thing in the world, still whenever the talks of change start in an organization there are certain apprehensions and doubts which prop up in the minds of management and workforce. Few of these challenges are to be dealt with in order to make a prosperous product and few other doubts are to be shooed away because those are just pessimism talking. Let us now see various challenges that pose threat and deteriorate the process of Agile Transition.

The challenges faced during Agile Transition-

We have divided the challenges into two types which include the main challenges and trivial challenges. The main challenges include those restrictions which pose the biggest threat to the transition to Agile. However, the trivial challenges are the menial problems which hinder the transition process and can be easily dealt with.

  • Main Challenges:
  • Miscommunication-

The main methodologies under agile that are most famous include Scrum and XP methodology. However, no company thinks about its effect on the communication scenario between various hierarchical levels of the company. When we talk about the hierarchical challenge of communication, it includes three types of challenges.

  1. Communication between the manager and the team which develops software.
  2. Communication between manager and client
  3. Communication between the developer and client

While choosing the agile methodology, the company must focus on the type of ideology to be chosen according to the type of product and the method of working. The agile methodology used will work effectively only if the communication between the manager, the client, the developing team and prospective customer is efficient enough. Communication is the key to a successful implementation. Communication is one of the essential wheels that keep the work going in the organization. To counter this challenge, the management must ensure a regular face to face communication between various stakeholders.

  • Non- Acceptance by Manager and User-

The Agile methodology mostly relies on self-organization and self-handling. However, our traditional methods of working involve taking orders from the seniors and working the way down in the hierarchy. So the transition from a traditional method to a new approach makes it difficult for the organisation to change the entire structure of work. The self- approach leads to uncertainty in the senior management due to dilution in the bossy attributes and even the employees at lower rank feel uncertain due to the fact that they have to be the self-organizers and hence can be questioned anytime. Whereas it has been seen that this self-model of working has proven to be more beneficial for the management as well as the users. This leads to time saving and efficient practice.


  • Lack of Agile Traning-

The Agile training is mostly restricted to the upper class of employees which constitutes the top management and senior players. However, this is the need of the hour to make the agile training available to each and every employee of the company if one wants to move from conventional methods to a more effective approach like agile technology. Every cog in the wheel must be smooth for the effective functioning of the system. Similarly to make the mesmerizing final product, each level of the employee must be aware of the advantages and methodology of agile. This is one of the greatest threat which impedes the company’s growth and restricts its transition to Agile.


  • Decision making-

One of the most important factors associated with the Agile Methodology is Decision Making. Any person associated with an organization using this methodology has to take many critical decisions at various junctures. These decisions lead to success or failure of the product and this attribute makes the developer cynical and less confident. However, with proper training decision-making power can be developed and can also make the employee more confident. Another threat that is posted under the category of decision making is the problem of dilution of decision-making powers of senior management which leads to ego clashes. However one must keep in mind that an organization is not about oneself, It is about the benefit of the whole company. So let us keep the ego aside and work for the benefit of all.

  • Trivial Challenges:
  • New Tools-

The Agile transition involves the change from the cycle work model to the iterative model. This leads to change in various roles, tools, technologies and communication. Change of tools leads to change in skill sets, hardware and software. This needs new inventory and money funds. Management is mostly tight handed when it comes to funds, However, this one-time investment brings iterative results and leads to ultimate profit for the company. One must revise their skill set and Upgrade to the next level of technology.

  • Documentation-

The work related to documents and keeping the track record of the project and related developments is a cumbersome task as while transitioning from the conventional method to agile technology it involves a great deal of documentation. To achieve this we just need a meticulous approach and once all steps of documentation are in line, the agile methodology will produce bigger and better results.

  • Fixed Mindset- Change is always better however difficult. We have become so much engrossed into the conventional ways that our working ways have become rusted and we are not able to evolve to the newer and better technology. The fixed mindset of the employee, employer and the customer lead to the difficulty for the organization.

There are dozens of challenges which stop the organization from shifting to the Agile methodology. However, the benefits of adopting this technology far surpass its challenges.


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