Safety when sailing is vital. Even more so if we talk about services that are used by millions of users worldwide. One of them is Gmail, the email service of Google and that is undoubtedly a leader today. Keeping our account secure is very important. Even so, only 10% of users use the most powerful security feature, according to the search giant.

Two-step verification in Gmail

This function is known as two-step email verification. Its operation is simple, although few users do. Basically it consists of having to do something else besides entering our password. First, as usual, we must enter the password in the normal way. If we have the verification function active in two steps, we will have to take one more action. We have the option to send us a message to the mobile, make a call or even enter a USB security key. This obviously does not always have to be done. Once we have logged in, we can mark the option of not asking us again in that team. For example it is ideal not to have to always put it at home, on our mobile or any trusted device.

The steps above are useful for verifying our own email. But what about other people’s emails? We are talking in a different context. If the above is about verifying our own e-mail, the second context that we will discuss is about verifying the validity of e-mails that enter our platform or that we might be dealing with. This second context is closely related to what is called email marketing.

Email marketing is an old method that is still effective in the world of modern marketing. Not only effective, email marketing also ensures that our promotions reach the right target, directly to the recipient’s focus. But one thing must be realized: Not all emails are worth following up on. There are certain emails that are made to abuse the system and if the abuse occurs, the marketing that we do will not achieve the results we expect.

How to recognize invalid emails or even inactive emails? We can detect them using special tools and fortunately, today we can find these tools easily, in just a few clicks. Unfortunately, not all of them are truly reliable and based on our experience, DeBounce is the best.


DeBounce is an email checker that uses the latest technology and special algorithms that are able to display a list of emails that are not active / valid.

How it works

Broadly speaking, this tool allows you to upload and validate the email list that you already have. DeBounce will automatically scan the list and detect spam, invalid mailboxes or those that are in a non-operational status. The result of a scan conducted by DeBounce is a list of emails that are clean of spam and anything that is invalid. This will make your email marketing more effective because you will only target active targets and have the opportunity to buy your product.