Dementia is not a genetic health issue. Recent research explains that people can prevent dementia even if they have this genetic trait. The key is changing unhealthy lifestyle to healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of dementia and increase health. Here, we want to share the critical good lifestyle to prevent dementia and improve your health.
Take Care of Your Oral Health
It seems there is no relationship between the health of your teeth, gum, and mouth with dementia, yet research concludes differently. Based on recent research, people with worse gum health have a higher risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia compared to people who have good oral health. Go to the dentist right away if you see plaque, bone loss, and gingival bleeding to get the best treatment.
These three oral health issues lead to dementia if you don’t treat it immediately. It is the same case if you have a tooth loss problem since it is correlated with Alzheimer’s. So, brush your teeth regularly and use products that can keep your mouth, gum, and teeth healthy. Remember to go to the dentist for a regular oral medical checkup to solve any problem earlier.
Maintain Your Blood Sugar
High blood sugar levels not only trigger diabetes but also dementia. The thing you must remember is that the higher your blood sugar level, the worse your heart health. The condition of your heart can also affect the condition of your brain. So, you may suffer from dementia if your heart is unhealthy.
At the same time, the heart condition also determines blood pressure. The worse the heart condition, the higher the blood pressure. High blood pressure triggers a stroke that weakens the function of the brain. The weaker your brain, the higher the risk of suffering from dementia.
Manage Your Blood Pressure
Be careful with your blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension leads to various diseases, including heart attack, blood vessel damage, and stroke. These diseases affect the work of the brain.
A person with one of these diseases who doesn’t take medical treatments may suffer from dementia. It can be the side effect of the weakness of the brain caused by these diseases. So, ensure to manage your blood pressure by doing a healthy lifestyle.
Control your eating habits and eat healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Stop your unhealthy lifestyle that triggers high blood pressure, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too much junk food, and many more.
Focus on Eating Healthy Food and Drinks
Eating healthy food and drinks is another good lifestyle to prevent dementia and improve your health. Serve more fruits and vegetables on the table since these products contain vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential compounds. The essential compounds in healthy food help to fill the needs of your body and its metabolism.
For instance, you can eat bananas, apples, pears, grapes, and avocados to control your blood pressure. Fruit and vegetable salad with a healthy dressing is a recommended option to keep your heart healthy and blood running smoothly to the entire system. For the drink, you must drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Alternatively, bring fruit juice, vegetable juice, black tea, or skim milk in a bottle so you can drink it anytime and anywhere you want. You even must learn about the best portion to eat based on the needs of your body. Consult it with a professional nutritionist if it is necessary, so you get the best menu and the right portion to prevent the risk of dementia.
Keep Active
No matter whether you must sit in front of the computer for a few hours to work, you must spend time doing exercises. The simplest way to keep active is by moving from your working desk and walking around the office for a few minutes. Make a schedule so you can do your favorite exercises, such as trekking, jogging, swimming, and many more.
Walking or riding a bicycle to go to the office or anywhere you want is also another great alternative to keep active. Your metabolism works well while you are active. The vital organs in the body work optimally when the metabolism works well. As a result, you can prevent the risk of various diseases, including Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Now, you finally understand an effective lifestyle to prevent dementia and improve your health. The next thing you must do is try to apply the tips above so you can feel the positive effect. Go to the specialist to get more clinical suggestions about things you must do to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Indeed, the goal is to prevent dementia when you grow older.
Tag: Dementia, Alzheimer’s, how to prevent dementia