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HomeTechnologyRCA Universal Remote Codes And Programming Guide

RCA Universal Remote Codes And Programming Guide

Are you looking for RCA universal remote codes? Or wondering which remote codes for RCATV work for your TV?

Are you searching for RCA universal remote codes for Vizio TV?

Do you know your RCATV remote codes or RCATV codes but need further guidelines?

RCA remote codes are complex. It is essential to know about the codes for RCA remote or remote codes for RCA to operate RCATV properly.

In this guide, we have listed down RCATV universal remote codes and mentioned essential ways to set up TV or remote with them.

So, read on…

RCA Corporation – A Brief Introduction

RCA Corporation, founded in 1921, is a consumer electronics brand. It began by manufacturing phonographs and radio sets before moving into television receivers and other electronics.

RCA manufactures and sells cable and satellite television receivers, DVD players, A/V receivers, surround sound systems, car radios, home theater systems, and other consumer electronics products.

RCATV Remote Codes and Programming Guide:

They included with RCA universal remote where the device and setup codes for RCATVare located. The programming guideand RCA TV remote code are available online or on a quick reference card with a new universal remote. This guide is also comprehensive that includes codes for RCA remote and the setup guidelines.

Codes for RCA Remote

There are eight distinct remote codes for RCA and nine different codes for VCRs on the RCA Universal Remote. For cable boxes, there are two separate sets of codes.

RCATV Remote Codes (Codes for RCATV)

044 038 034 027 019 011 006 000

RCATV Codes – Cable Box Codes 

027 000

RCATV Codes – VCR Codes

069 054 037 035 028 008 007 005 000

RCATV Codes – RCA Universal Remote Codes for Vizio TV (Codes for RCATV)

0188 0187 0179 0125 0113 0096 0022 0015 0031 0054 0004 0107 0094 0100 0048 0102 0129 0342 0005 0191 0003 0163 0009 0162 0000

Before you go ahead and try to program an RCA universal remote using RCATV codes, make sure of device compatibility. Many manufacturers use different technologies for their devices, meaning that one remote will not work with other manufacturers’ equipment.

In addition, just because RCA may have made your TV does not mean that the remote RCATV codeslisted here will work with it. There are various types of remotes (with different programming capabilities and various RCA tv codes). Also, there are multiple technologies for TVs, DVD players, etc., making universal remote control impossible.

RCAUniversal Remote Codes and Programming Guide

The RCA universal remote is a great tool to have in your home entertainment system. It has the potential to control multiple components from different manufacturers. So, you don’t have to keep up with multiple remotes or worry about losing one of them. You can even program this remote manually if necessary. This article will help you understand how these devices work and how to program them if necessary.

Programming RCA Universal Remote Codes (With 4-digits RCATV Codes)

Enter the four-digit code specific to your system using the RCA code lists on the product packaging as a guide. This accomplishes two things:

  • First, you won’t have to guess which codes will control your components since they can be precisely matched.
  • Second, you can perform a direct match between your system and the RCA universal remote.

Checking The Programming OfRCA Universal Remote

Once input the RCA remote codes specific to your system into the RCA universal remote, turn on a component included in that code. For instance, if you have a TV with this remote, turn it on. Press any button on the RCA universal remote and look at the component to verify that it is off or on. If the device did not respond properly to the command from your RCA universal remote, check your codes for RCA remote list for a different one. Check which one might better suit your system needs.

Getting Started with RCA Universal Remote

Once you have the proper codes for the RCA remoteentered into your RCA universal remote for your system, you can turn on and off or change channels. You can put this remote in a central location in your living room and use it as a command center for all your audio/video components. You can also have a drawer close by where you store all of your audio/video remotes so that you don’t lose them.

Programming RCA Universal Remote Codes

Once the proper RCA remote codesinserted into the RCA universal remote for your system, turn on a device connected to this type of remote. Press any button and look at the device to see if it responds. If not, you will need to check your codes for RCA remotelist for a different one that better suits your system.

Programming RCA Universal Remote Codes Procedure

The best way to program an RCA universal remote is through direct RCA TV codes entry. This means entering specific RCA remote codeson the remote control itself without the use of the manual. This is usually done by following numeric or brand listings on the remote for specific devices like TVs, VCRs, DVRs, and audio equipment. You can program other devices with an alternate method.

One of these alternative methods is the learning mode. This allows you to perform direct programming on your universal remote but under more flexible conditions. For example, if the remote comes with a learning function, you can take out your TV’s remote control and begin programming buttons specific to your TV’s functions. You will have to pass through all of the RCA remote codesuntil you get to one that works for your television brand. If the RCA TV codes is correct, then press “stop,” and the RCA universal remote will save that code for future use.

Executing Configuration Commands on Your RCA Universal Remote

Once you’ve learned how to program your RCA universal remote with RCA TV codes, performing configuration commands is easy. For instance, if you want to delete all of the old codes in your RCA universal remote’s memory, go into the settings and then program. There you will see all of the previous RCA remote codesthat you saved for other devices. Press “select” to delete each one until they’re all gone.

On the other hand, if your RCA universal remote is not responding or working properly with your device, there is a simple fix to the problem. First, make sure that the batteries in your remote are fresh and ready for use. If so, it may be a matter of pointing your RCA universal remote directly to the device you want to control rather than at a certain angle or from a distance.

If these solutions do not solve the problem with your RCA universal remote, then it is probably time to call customer service or the manufacturer of your RCA universal remote. There are websites where you can enter specific codes for your particular device brand, and they will tell you which RCA remote codesare most likely correct. This saves you time from having to test each one manually on your own.

Steps to setup RCA Universal remote Codes

  1. Before using the remote, make sure that the batteries are still spinning. Ensure that it works properly.
  2. Turn on any home theatre equipment components or devices, such as a television or a Blu-ray player, that you wish to set up before you begin working with the RCA Universal remote control.
  3. Press and hold the button corresponding to the component you’re configuring on your computer for a few seconds to complete the configuration. The on/off button should be lighted at the start of the process and should stay illuminated throughout.
  4. To finish the procedure, press and hold both the component button (TV, Blu-ray player, or DVD player) and the on/off button at the same time for many seconds. The deactivation and reactivation of the lighted on/off button will take place simultaneously. After that, it should automatically turn itself back on again to continue working.
  5. After the on/off button has been illuminated once again, release both of the buttons that you are now holding down on the keyboard. Make sure to turn it on at all times to ensure proper operation.
  6. To watch the movie, press and hold the play button on the remote control for a few seconds until the movie starts. Click on the play button every five seconds after that, and keep doing so until the component you’re programming no longer responds. If the component does not turn off after 5 seconds, press the play button a second time until it does.
  7. To complete this step, press and hold the reverse button on your keyboard for a few seconds. If you have verified that the component has been successfully reset, you should continue to push it every few seconds until the component has been successfully reset.
  8. The stop button must be pressed and held for a few seconds after the device has been engaged to save the programming in the remote’s memory.
  9. Each device you want to program will need the identical set of processes you used for the previous devices.
  10. The direct RCA remote codesinput technique may fix the issue if the auto code search does not function properly for any reason.


1.Where can I purchase an RCA universal remote control?

RCA universal remote controls are available online and in traditional retail stores. You can also purchase them directly from the RCA website. It also offers additional information about their products.

2. How do I reset my RCA universal remote control?

If your RCA universal remote is through a third-party site, contact that specific site for support on resetting the device via its proprietary RCA remote codes. If you purchased the RCA universal remote directly from the RCA website, apply their “self-programming” technique to reset it. Start by removing all of the batteries from the device, and make sure that they are replaced within three minutes. Press and hold any button on your remote for three seconds, then release only that one specific button while continuing to hold down all of the other buttons. Wait at least five seconds, then press and hold the power button and any device button corresponding with a programmed component for three or more seconds. The on/off button should turn off completely, place your batteries back in their proper positions, and you should be able to use the RCA universal remote normally.

3.How do I update my RCA universal remote control?

RCA universal remote controls can be updated online through their website or by using the “self-programming” technique detailed in this article. The latter method requires downloading an upgrade file from their website and loading it onto a USB drive. Next, you need to remove all batteries from your remote and plug in the USB drive. Finally, you can follow the “self-programming” technique detailed above – don’t forget that the same process will need to be used for each device you want to program into your universal remote control.

4.How many RCA universal remote codes are there?

There are more than 1,000 RCATV universal remote codes. However, these RCATV codes also follow a pattern based on their corresponding device name. This means that if “TV” is programmed into your RCA universal remote control, it should have access to more than 100 RCATV universal remote codes. After attemptingall of the relevant RCATV codes options, one will provide the desired result. If this does not work, try entering the manufacturer-specific code(s) for your specific device.

5. Do I need to remove batteries when programming an RCA universal remote with RCATV codes?

There is no need to remove the batteries to program new devices. The only instance when this should be done is when you remove or add programmed components at any given time. The only exception is if you’re using the self-programming technique, and then you will need to complete the programming manually and the resetting process.

6.What do I do if my power button is working but other buttons aren’t?

If your power button is not turning off devices that are set up with the RCA universal remote, this means that either the batteries need to be replaced or you are entering incorrect codes for RCA remote. If possible, replace the batteries first; if they already appear new, try programming in an alternate code (for example, 0000) and attempt to turn off your component. If this does not work, make sure that the device is programmed, and try entering a different code to see if you can use your RCA universal remote control elsewhere.

7.What are the proper batteries for my RCA universal remote control?

It would help if you replaced all batteries with either AA or AAA batteries. Cheap alkaline or lithium batteries are the best options, though you can use other brands if your RCA universal remote control is not operating correctly. Don’t use rechargeable batteries in any circumstance, as these can damage your device.

8.Do I have to press a button for it to work?

RCA universal remote controls have an “auto-repeat” feature that makes it possible for you to hold down a button without having to press it repeatedly. This is particularly useful when using macros, which are collections of commands that can be activated by pressing multiple buttons at once or in sequence.

Read More:

RCA Universal Remote Codes

GE Universal Remote Codes



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