Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeTechnologyNew Cyber Privacy Laws In the US

New Cyber Privacy Laws In the US

Sensitive data has recently gained a lot of traction in regards to additional protection, with GDPR law coming into place across Europe and now new laws have been passed in the US state of California. 

Working to give consumers more rights to protect sensitive data such as race, trade union membership, religion and sexual orientation, the new California Privacy Rights Act (or CPRA) gives individuals the right to refuse to give such information when asked for.

Widely welcomed by leaders in authority and consumers alike, businesses in California will now have to reconsider how they operate with private data and how to ensure heightened security and protection. 

Being policed by a newly formed agency, fines are said to be issued to business found not to be in compliance with the new extension to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Privacy online

Working with data in any respect can carry a certain element of risk. With such a vast increase in the amount of successful hits from hackers it is no surprise why even more legislation is being passed to protect users. 

Hackers are notorious for having a range of methods which allow them entry in to private records and bank accounts, which is why it is more important than ever to not just rely on new legislation for personal safety.

In addition to having the protection of the state, there are other measures to stay safe online such as withholding information. If you fill out a form to join a website or club, only fill in the relevant information. Hackers find it easy enough getting your details without you giving them more at free will.

Private Networks

VPNs, otherwise known as Virtual Private Networks, are second to none for providing premium security for online connections. 

Hosting browsing sessions through an encrypted connection to a remote device, debestevpn explains they have multiple in built safety features, making them almost impossible to break through.

Layer upon layer of security is secured by a complex bit code issued by the service provider, allowing just the session user entry to the Internet connection. Furthermore, the networks hold no information about the user so once a connection is terminated, there is no trace and no information to obtain from unauthorised parties.

Always on guard

Even with the best software on the market, there is nothing which can keep users completely private when working online. Hopping around the Internet is fine, until you make your presence seen. 

Social media is perhaps the worst for it. As soon as you like something or write a comment you are seen by anyone else watching. Like coming out from behind the curtain. 

Vigilance is key at all times. Even if you enjoy light banter with friends and family on social media, remain cautious as to what information is being revealed to the general public. It could be the key difference between losing all your hard earned life savings in a single heartbeat.


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