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Motion Graphics – At The Service of Modern Business

The animation is one of the most ancient forms of communication and, at the same time, one of the most actual ones, because it is adaptable with ease to the changes of the world. Perhaps it is even the best form of communication, because, despite the deserialization of the modern world, the animation was able to preserve a certain sacrament in itself, the magic particle that contributes to its creation, and which so strongly affects the child who is in each of us.

What is motion design? This is a form of audiovisual production, combining two separate types of communication: graphics and animation. These two forms of visual representation find their roots in the animistic worldview inherent in primitive man and refer us to rock art and shamanism.

The Roots of Motion Graphics

In order to have a good understanding of the theme of motion graphics, you need to refer to its origins. And oh, how contradictory they are. But one thing is for sure: animated images are a unique niche in the history of 20th-century art. The discoverers of the experimental cinema of the 1920s had a tremendous impact on subsequent generations of animators and graphic designers. And the appearance of animated film titles in the 1950s became the foundation for the development of a new form of graphic design – motion graphics.

It all began before the invention of cinema and even more before the advent of the first computers – the main tools of motion design today. The desire to revive images, give them expression and express movement was one of the main engines for the development of animation in general and motion design, as part of it.

Then there was the era of special devices that broadcast “revived pictures,” for example, the magic lantern, praxinoscope and zoopraxiscope – the precursors of movie cameras and movie screens.

And with the advent of cinema and animation, motion design began to evolve much faster. For example, moving movie titles are a vivid example of this direction in animation. But the technology of virtual and augmented reality has become the real engine of the technology of motion design today – they are the main consumers of motion graphics production items.

Trends in Motion Graphics: What’s New the Designers Offer Us

Motion graphics are used today everywhere. In addition to the already mentioned VR and AR, it is still included in the top of the tools for television, cinema, advertising and marketing, including digital marketing.

Means of motion graphics in 2018 began to use many brands because you can effectively attract customers only with radically new visual solutions, which offers motion graphics.

Motion designers have their own trends. So the next that are presented in the list below last year were especially fashionable:

  • Using the popular glitch distortion technique: last year even a special application appeared that allows you to use filters with this effect for images.
  • Mixing two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation in one product – the 2D and 3D mix is ​​not the first year in the trend, but it is not going to take positions.
  • The technique of a liquid motion – smooth blending of movements in the graphics, also remains fashionable and continue to use the creators of various screen savers, product shells, commercials and viral advertising through the web.
  • The colour scheme continues to use pastels and coffee tones, and designers have clearly recognized the cosmic ultraviolet and its variations as the colour of 2018. The use of the gradient also remains relevant.
  • The original idea of ​​creating a coded message to users by masking images in fonts also remains a trend. It is used as on TV (if you remember the old screen saver of The Walking Dead series – this is exactly the technique).
  • But for the business, especially its segment that thrives in the digital space, the trend has been the animated avatars and logos with motion graphics for the first year.
  • The trend to use a cinegraph – a static photo with a small cyclical animation of individual objects – is also very relevant.

This is only a small part of what allows the modern business to implement motion design. And 2019 is guaranteed to bring a lot of new original solutions.


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