Monday, March 31, 2025
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Most Popular Online Board and Card Games

The COVID19 outbreak is scary. So scary that it has caused disruption on a global scale. Countries everywhere are taking action, trying to contain the spread of the virus. As such, one of the methods being used to flatten the curve is social distancing. That doesn’t just mean staying a few feet away from other people. It means confining yourself to your home until the spread slows down. Otherwise, you might end up being one of the people overloading the healthcare system. 

But what do you do at home for an extended period? This blog can show you. 

Kill Time with These Five Online Board and Card Games

All you need to play these games is a computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. And of course, a reliable internet connection with enough bandwidth, like my cable internet in Philadelphia. Most households in the United States have access to all of the above. That means you have everything to start playing the following:

  1. Uno 
  2. Chess
  3. Cards Against Humanity 
  4. Monopoly 
  5. Yahtzee 

Let’s dive right into where you can play these games online. 


Uno is a timeless classic of a game from our childhoods. Everyone has spent hours with family and friends playing the card game. I don’t mind saying that I was actually pretty good at it. I knew exactly when to through a Draw 4 and when to throw a wildcard. Of course, when you’re isolating, it defeats the purpose to get together with people and play a card game using the same bits of plastic. 

Instead, you can get your friends together online, and play Uno on Facebook. Almost everyone (and their friends) use Facebook, so you won’t have to deal with the hassle of setting up. While away the idle hours of solitude with a bit of Uno with friends online. 


Chess is one of the oldest known board games that are still played today. When someone mentions the word chess, I instantly picture two bespectacled geniuses seated opposite each other. They time their moves and modify their strategy as the game proceeds. A battle of wit, skill, and guile indeed!

Of course, if you’re isolating with a roommate, you can break out a chessboard and play away. But in case you’re alone, you can still play it with a friend on Tabletopia. The website features over 600 games to choose from, so you’ll end up having a lot of fun. 

Cards Against Humanity 

Cards Against Humanity is perhaps the most fun party game ever designed. It has the right mix of laughter, humor, and jokes to have everyone in fits. But of course, nobody in their right minds is throwing parties in these times of contagion. 

Luckily, you can play Cards Against Humanity online with a bunch of friends. It can be a lot less fun than the live version where you can see and speak to the people you’re playing with. But if you have a webcam, you can easily remedy that situation. 


Ah, Monopoly! The game that inevitably leads to tears and jeers, upturned boards, and angry words. Nearly every family has spent time arguing over who won and what was unfair and who should calm down. Fun times indeed! However, nobody wants to gather people in one place when everyone is trying to avoid getting infected. Don’t worry though. Whenever you find yourself with extra time on your hands, log in to EA’s Pogo platform, and start playing online with friends and family. 


I’ve played a lot of Yahtzee when I was younger. Unfortunately, I haven’t played it as much as I would have liked to over the last few years. But when I discovered the online version of Pogo, I instantly got hooked again. The online version is slightly different. You play against the clock, meaning it is always your turn on the screen. In the end, the game compares your scores to your friends’. With each game taking 6 minutes on average, it is a very fun way to kill time. 


These are tough times for all of us. Staying at home is not just a precaution, it is what you should be doing as a responsible citizen during contagion. And while other necessities are very important, you will be needing more of the internet than you imagined. So be sure to check Spectrum internet no contract in your area. Prepare yourself to have fun, despite the isolation.

Let us know if we missed out on any of your favorite games in the comments below. 


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