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HomeBusinessHow to Get the Work Permit Indonesia?

How to Get the Work Permit Indonesia?

Working in Indonesia requires you to have work permit. Thing that actually makes foreign workers feel stressful is the long and difficult process with many documents to prepare. Not to mention the regulation that changes frequently makes expatriates need to update the information related to work permit Indonesia. That is why, finding the correct and updated information is essential before proceeding your work permit. If you plan to work in this country in short future, then you need to know these important things.

Getting Work Permit Indonesia

It is such a wrong decision to visit Indonesia and hope that you will find a job there. The fact that you will only get 30-day tourist visa, you have to leave this country unless you have other purposes or business to do. Therefore, it is not advisable to find a job while you do not have any sponsor in Indonesia. Indonesian government validates a regulation about work permit requirements that include Indonesian sponsor. Therefore, it is impossible to get work permit Indonesia if you are not sponsored by Indonesian company or foreign company in this country.

There is also regulation related to foreign worker recruitment process for Indonesian company. The companies can only employ specific number of foreigners. The most important, they must have skills that Indonesian currently does not have. For example, expatriate can work in oil and gas industry, education, economy and business, and so on.

To process a work permit Indonesia takes few days, even months depending on the process. After you are recruited by Indonesian company, they will go through Ministry of Manpower to get approval for hiring a foreign worker. Once they get the approval, the work permit can be proceeded. There are several types of work permit (IMTA). It depends your working duration, ranging from 1 month to 12 months. Please note that work permit is tied to your job. If a foreign worker loses his job, it means he loses his work permit as well.

Documents to Make Work Permit Indonesia

As aforementioned, work permit is divided into 3 main types according to working duration. The urgent or emergency work permit is valid for 1 month; temporary work permit is valid for 2-6 months; and long term work permit is valid for 7-12 months. Each work permit requires different documents; therefore it is essential to figure out your working duration and required documents.

If you are planning to make work permit Indonesia for specific term, get to know the details and document requirements as follows:

  1. Emergency work permit

The first and shortest work permit is emergency or urgent work permit. This work permit Indonesia will be valid for 1 month, therefore you can stay in Indonesia for 2 months—consider 30-day tourist visa. The urgent permit is issued for urgent jobs which should be performed immediately. In case you need this kind of work permit, the documents that you should prepare are:

  • Sponsor letter
  • Letter of attorney
  • Statement letter from sponsor
  • Foreign worker’s passport
  • Receipt of payment from DPKK
  • Foreign worker’s insurance
  1. Temporary work permit

The second type of work permit Indonesia is temporary IMTA which is valid for maximum 6 months. A foreign worker is allowed to apply temporary IMTA to perform several jobs such as creating commercial film with license from authorized institution, machinery installation, product business, after-sales service, conducting audit, production quality control, or other job with duration between 2 to 6 months.

The documents that you need to prepare when applying temporary work permit are as follows:

  • Sponsor letter
  • Letter of attorney
  • Foreign worker’s photo 3 cm x 4 cm
  • Foreign worker’s passport
  • Foreign worker’s insurance
  • Receipt of payment from DPKK
  1. Long term work permit

This type of work permit is valid for maximum 12 months. It can be issued for any jobs as long as it does not violate the regulation of Ministry of Manpower. To proceed long term work permit Indonesia, you need to prepare documents as follows:

  • Sponsor letter
  • Letter of attorney
  • Form IMTA
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Diploma Certificate
  • Reference letter from previous company
  • Appointment letter or co-worker
  • Form of co-worker
  • Training report
  • Photo 3 cm x 4 cm
  • Passport
  • Receipt of payment from DPKK
  • Insurance
  • Employment agreement between sponsor company and foreign worker
  • Recommendation from other institution
  • Deed of appointment
  • Tax registration number
  • Social security

Work permit is essential whenever you plan to work in Indonesia. Before proceeding Indonesia work permit the updated information about application process. It is also important to know working duration, type of work permit that you need, and document requirements. Knowing such information allows you to proceed the permit without any problem.


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