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HomeOthersHealth & BeautyHow Long Do Hair Transplant Last?

How Long Do Hair Transplant Last?

Multiple treatments are available for people who want an effective solution to their thinning hair or hair loss. According to multiple surveys done, there is 50 to 60 percent of people face problems related to hair loss. Hair transplant is the most effective and commonly known solution. The first question that pops into everyone’s mind is that how long the hair transplant would last?

Hair transplant is a procedure in which the specialist will take hair (specifically, hair follicles) from the thicker part of the head and graft them on the part where the hair is thinning or outright balding. To answer the question, if done correctly by an expertly trained professional, the procedure of hair transplant can last for your whole life.

Since hair transplant is the only permanent solution to balding, people with progressive hair loss or balding problems prefer this procedure. Even though a hair transplant procedure lasts for a lifetime, you can still schedule to get more treatments, which will not affect the previously grafted hair, but instead will augment them. The reason why you can get multiple treatments over some time is the severity of the situation. There is also the fact that there is a limit to what can be done in a single session, so many patients prefer to spread out the treatments instead of trying to get it done at once.

Initially, after getting a hair transplant, you would face some hair loss, which can be worrying but is, in fact, quite common in those procedures. After some time, though, the hair will grow again, and they will be healthier and denser.

Another point to remember is that a hair transplant does not work for everybody. If your hair is thinning out or if you are balding naturally, this procedure is beneficial for you. However, if the reason for hair loss is not natural, but some other cause like chemotherapy, medication, some injury or scar on the scalp, etc.

Hair transplant is an expensive procedure. Because it is cosmetic surgery, it will not be covered by health insurance; you are the one who has to foot the bill. The final cost will depend on the surgeon you choose, the extent and technique of the procedure itself, the clinic’s availability in your area, and finally, the aftercare medications that you might need.

If you are thinking of getting hair transplant treatment, research the benefits and side effects. For more authentic information, contact a clinic or an expert surgeon. Determine whether you need the treatment or not and how much that treatment will be effective for you. You can go home on the same day of getting surgery, but you have to take some precautions. Don’t comb your hair immediately, or do any activity that can be strenuous for your hair. The scalp is sensitive after the procedure, so be careful and consult your specialist after a side effect becomes visible.


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