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Getting All the Important Facts About Computer Glasses Right

Most people who work both at home and in offices have extended hours of interaction with computers, especially the ones living in the urban areas. Computers are used as often as smart phones. It cannot be denied how the present generation suffers from technology and gadget obsession which clearly pose health threat to the eyes. If you are too attached to gadgets and computers, it pays to be always ready so as to prevent acquiring any eye problems. In most cases, a lot of people in this situation resort to wearing computer glasses to do away with such health issues.

When you work for long hours on your computer, then you will start experiencing eye strains which can intensify with time.  The other side effects of working on your computer for too long include red eyes, blurred vision and headaches. All these symptoms are for a condition known as CVS (computer vision syndrome). Well according to studies, if you spend a minimum of 2 hours daily using a computer, then you have 90% chances of developing the computer vision syndrome condition. What are the signs and symptoms that you are suffering from the CVS condition:

  • Red eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Dry eyes
  • Stiff back
  • Fatigue
  • Stiff neck
  • Tension
  • Blurry vision

It has been noted that those who are under 40 years of age, will experience these conditions after working for long hours on their computers because their eyes are finding it hard to remain focused accurately on the computer’s screen. The other reason is that your eyes are finding it hard to shift focus from the screen and back to the keyboard when you are typing.  The CVS condition is associated with these kinds of focusing problems.  For those who are 40 years or older. The onset of the presbyopia causes typically the CVS symptoms. This is usually the loss of focus that is associated with old age.

To protect yourself from these severe vision conditions and enjoy your working experience with no interruption, then it’s best to look for computer glasses. The first step when you notice that you have started developing any of the other symptoms would be to go for a detailed eye checkup. A good doctor will be able to determine if you have eye problems and update your prescription and recommend the best computer eyeglasses for you. It’s important to get prescribed computer glasses after the checkup. Studies show that many people suffer from worsened eye problems after they start using eyeglasses that are not prescribed since most of the eyeglasses have inaccuracies when looking at the lens.

What’s the Difference in Computer Glasses?

During summer, you will find many people walking in the streets wearing glasses. Even the classes and in the library have people with glasses. First of all, computer glasses are not like the luxurious glasses that you put on to protect your eyes from the sun when on the beach. These glasses are different from your reading glasses. These glasses are meant to optimize your vision when you are using a computer. Unlike the other glasses you wear, computer glasses are positioned approximately 20 to 26 inches away from the wearer’s eyes. This is done with the consideration of the intermediate vision zone, which when compared to the driving vision zone, is much closer: but much farther than the reading zone.

Computer Glasses

When prescribing computer glasses, your ophthalmologist will consider different lenses types. These lens types are:

  1. Single vision lens

An ophthalmologist will prescribe single vision glasses for kids and young adults when giving them computer glasses. The primary duty of the single vision lens is to correct the farsightedness or shortsightedness and astigmatism of the wearer. The lens does this by adjusting its shape automatically in the eye, hence giving the eye a more powerful magnification capability necessary for near vision and computer vision.

The single vision lenses are given a lens’ power that is modified to make sure you enjoy the best vision while using your computer. The lenses function by relaxing the degree of accommodation needed to keep the visual objects in a clear focus close to the computer screen while still offering field view that is large.

  1. Occupation progressive lens

The second option used by ophthalmologists when prescribing computer glasses is the progressive occupational lenses. These lenses are the no line lenses that are multifocal and are meant to rectify close, intermediate and up to a certain range distance vision. The lenses have an intermediate zone that is larger than those of the regular progressive lenses. Hence, they are more comfortable to use as computer glasses, unlike the normal progressive lens glasses. These progressive occupational lenses should only be used as computer glasses, don’t use them when you know that you require good vision for significant distances like when driving.

  1. Occupational (bifocal/trifocal) lens

These lenses are multifocal and are lined. They offer the wearer and intermediate and near vision zones that are larger. They are more effective compared to the usual bifocal and trifocal lenses. The other bonus feature about these occupational multi-focal lenses is that their vision zones can be easily customized to fit the wearer and to fit your computer vision needs.

When it comes to experiencing the CVS symptoms, there is no specific duration since people spend different times in front of their screens depending on their job description. However, the simple logic is that the more time you spend on your computer, the more you are likely to start experiencing the symptoms sooner, also if you use too much brightness on your computer screen.  The average person starts having eye problems at the age of 35 to 45. When you approach a certain age, then the ability of your eyes to efficiently adapt to the different distances starts diminishing slowly. You don’t need to be worried about the process taking place within a few hours or days, it’s a gradual process, and some people don’t even realize that it’s taking place.

If you are uncertain whether you have an eye problem or not, then the first sign you should look for is whether you have any difficulty reading from a paper or a close distance range. Of course, the few people, who notice these, quickly rush to an ophthalmologist for an eye checkup and soon they have prescribed reading glasses to aid them. However, the challenge with these is that even reading from the screen becomes more difficult and hence you will find someone typing from Microsoft word by using huge font size, using Microsoft excel becomes torture since they cannot view the small characters and symbols.  The same case applies when you are reading texts from your smartphone.

What Are the Types of Computer Glasses?

Since computer glasses are not only meant to improve your vision of your computer screen but also made to adapt to a specific distance.  This means that there are different types of computer glasses for people who have started suffering from CVS.

NOTE: Computer glasses can be worn by even those who don’t have the symptoms of CVS, they can use them to protect themselves from the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.

Don’t use your reading glasses as a substitute for computer glasses. This is because your reading glasses have been designed to adapt to a precise distance which is close. This, in turn, will force to move your screen closer to your eyes. These don’t usually end well with many people because soon you will be suffering from neck and back pains caused by the bad sitting posture and you being closer to computer screen will do more harm to your eyes than good.

After your eye checkup with an ophthalmologist, you will be recommended the best lens for computer glasses. The ophthalmologist will pick from one of the below types of computer glasses that are medically available.

  1. Computer glasses with the zoom lens: the maximum distance on these computer glasses is 13ft. They are known to have a very clear vision from the normal reading range to the widely preferred standard room distance. These are the best computer glasses for people whom their jobs involve being sited behind a computer screen while still interacting with different customers or clients.
  2. Computer glasses with the desk lens: you are guaranteed a clear vision about to 6 ½ ft. They also function perfectly as reading classes and can be effective computer glasses to a medium working range behind a desk. They are the best option for people who would like to enjoy clear visions when using their computer screens and also, to go through some work files or printed documents.
  3. Computer glasses with the book lens: unlike the other two, these computer glasses have greater focus but at a much closer range, the maximum range being 3ft. They are the best for reading books. Unlike your standard reading glasses, these computer glasses are much better since they offer a much wider reading range and view field.

Since most of us lack the professional knowledge when it comes to eye care, its best and highly recommended that we seek the services from an ophthalmologist so that they can recommend the best computer glasses. The ophthalmologist will consider your eye condition and health, then look at the nature of your work.

Lens Tint and Coatings

For you to enjoy maximum comfortability, the lens on computer glasses will have an anti-reflective coating. This coating is also referred to as the antiglare treatment or the anti-reflective coating. The primary function of these coating is to get rid of the light that comes directly to your eye, and the backlight, hence protecting your eyes from any cause of vision strain.  You can also talk to your ophthalmologist about having computer glasses that have a photochromic lens. These lenses are known to protect the eyes from harsh vision blue light that tends to come from the screen of your laptop or computer. Also, when you step out, these lenses darken; hence, protect your eyes from the sun rays. Other recommendations that your ophthalmologist will suggest is adding some light tint to your prescribed computer glasses. The light shade is meant to reduce the glare which is usually caused by the harsh lighting and also hence enhance the contrast.

For more information about the lens coatings and the tints, it’s best to have an in-depth talk with your eye care specialists about the best option for you to use on your computer glasses.

The Best Shopping Center for Computer Glasses

There is no need for you to go for the cheaper un-prescribed over the counter computer glasses. Since most of the times, you will end buying reading glasses thinking they are computer glasses. We all know that taking the wrong prescription is harmful to our health, what about using the wrong eye care prescription; this will ultimately do more harm to your eyes than good. To enjoy the full benefits of any computer glasses and also protect your eyes from more damage, its best to look for an experienced ophthalmologist.

Before going for an eye check up its good to note down how far you sit from your computer when you are using your computer. This can be done by measuring from the carina to the bridge of your nose. This measurement will be helpful to your ophthalmologist as they will use it to determine the best lens power to use on your computer glasses. Only buy prescribed eyewear from an experienced and recommended eye care professional.  Also, you can do some more research on the best computer ergonomic tips which will be useful when it comes to arranging your workstation hence achieve maximum comfort while working.

If you are experiencing most of the signs and symptoms of CSV that we have listed, then you are definitely spending too much time in front of your computer screen. Since most of our daily activities are guided by technology and gadgets that we cannot avoid using, it’s best to make sure you protect your eyes. You don’t need to wait to start developing the signs, instead protect yourself from any exposure of the blue light generated from your laptop screen by using computer glasses. After all, prevention is better than cure.  If you are ready to take the big step, book an appointment with an ophthalmologist to have a detailed eye check up and get your pair of prescribed computer glasses.


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