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Finding the Perfect Cover for Your favorite Car

What is a Car Cover?

A car cover is a product that can be used to cover a vehicle, possibly to shield it from the elements. This is also used when a car hasn’t been used for a long time and needs to appear dustless and dirt-less.

Purpose of using a car cover:

Your car may become dirty from external causes such as rain, wind or probably leaves falling on it when it is not used for a long time. An indoor car parked may get dusty, or risky, getting unwanted particles on the pavement. Thus, a vehicle cover can be used to shield the vehicle by placing a flexible cover over it.

How is it Designed?

An automobile cover is a massive sheet of an explicit variety of cloth that includes a very rough form of a car. Tailor-made automobile covers are designed to suit the vehicle it is intended for, but general-purpose automobile covers have a fairly generic car shape that should match most automobiles. The automobile cover is often used when a vehicle is located away from or left unused for some time. Often it can be used to secure a car from snow, tree juice, gravel, paint, and other pollutants.

Forms of car cover:

Inside and outside car covers:

Inside car coverings are mostly made of woven polyester, often with a soft lining. It is lightweight and comfortable. It isn’t waterproof and won’t guard against most liquids.

Outside coverings are constructed to be waterproof, more durable, and often stronger and heavier than inside coverings. The exterior cover can withstand rain, snow, falling leaves, and many other contaminant sources. Almost all coverings are breathable, preventing retained moisture.

Tailor-made and General car cover:

A tailor-made car cover has the exact form and design of the automobile on which it is intended. This can fit perfectly and also has specific spaces for side mirrors or a bumper at the back. Tailor-made covers are usually used for more costly or special cars.

General automobile covers are designed to suit various models and sizes. The only discrepancy may be the length of such coverings. Generally, they’re just a rectangular shape with a hole at the place where the front or rear window should be. They are often cheaper but are usually made from low-quality materials.

Heavy and light use:

There might be a distinction between car coverings designed to keep the vehicle free of dust, or the ones intended to shield the vehicle below. The difference is always the material thickness or the material form. Inside coverings are typically made of woven polyester with breathing properties. Outside coverings are typically made of a stronger, tougher, and waterproof PVC-type material. In some cases, some manufacturers install extra thick patches to help avoid damage such as dents.

Risks associated with car coverings:

  • Moisture can be accumulated under the cover, leaving the surface damp much longer than without a cover.
  • Most car coverings do not have a sound internal coating, making it possible to produce flecks and other surface imperfections while removing or applying the cover. 
  • When the cover moves, the surface will brush against the paint, causing damage to cars under the cover, without anyone noticing it.

How to Buy the Correct Car cover for your vehicle?

Are you sick of buying medium-sized car coverings that either won’t fit or hold up? This article will provide you with the experience you need to pick up the right automobile cover.

Not all covers are created equally:

Simply stated, don’t get carried away with false statements and pompous commercials. Just read between the lines instead. When the store does not have a reasonable return policy or warranty period, they may know that their car cover will not last long.

When you’ve got the car cover in hand, you can quickly tell if the car cover will hold up or not. Pay careful attention to the fabric. If the fabric is poor and lacks consistency, then there is no magic formula that can make the car cover last. Also, note the stitching as well.

Compare the consistency of the fabric and workmanship with Patrick C, owner of – you’ll see the difference quickly.

Not all covers are suitable:

Even if you purchased a quality car cover, the car cover may not have been customized to suit your needs. When you just have a dust car cover but you leave in a dry, moist condition and mostly parked outdoors – your car cover will not make it. A dust car cover fabric is intended to hold the dust off; not to protect against excessive heat or moisture.

Consider evaluating your needs to prevent the pitfall. Begin by evaluating what kind of security you need the most and what other kinds of environment and conditions would you need to deal with. When you’ve locked down what sort of security your vehicle requires, it’s only a matter of time before you find the ideal car cover for your purpose.

Not all Car covers Fit accurately:

Just like there’s no glove to match any hand; there’s no single size car cover to suit each vehicle out there. You want a car cover that blends in well with your vehicle: not very tight or too stretchy. When it is too close you fear the unintentional poke and tears that only increase as time goes by. On the other hand, if you have a cover that’s too huge, it won’t be able to shield the vehicle from conditions such as accumulation of dust and humidity and may potentially end up being a haven for rodents and critics.

To check the match, apply a cover to your car but don’t close it. Remove the car cover with sufficient force (beware of not applying unnecessary force that might harm the cover), if the car cover causes a gap of more than 8 inches then you’re too loose to cover. On the other hand; if the car cover does not make itself more than 3 inches from the outside-it is very tight and is likely to break shortly.

Do the right thing:

In a nutshell, as with every purchase, the purchasing of car covers is about value. Don’t overlook value for the price. You can get a cheap car cover but if you have to keep changing your car cover every few months, it won’t be of good value. On the other hand, if you invest in a reliable, all-weather, outdoor car cover, and chances are your car cover would last longer than ten or more poor car covers.


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