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HomeTechnologySoftwareElmedia Player Review: Control the Audio and Video More Easily

Elmedia Player Review: Control the Audio and Video More Easily

Elmedia Player is one of the software designed and developed by Eltima Software Group, the same developer that also creates apps like Airy and Folx Download Manager. In 2014, the player publishing was announced and it was said that Elmedia Player would be different than the others. The announcement seemed not exaggerated indeed. It is by seeing the facts that there were some interesting features to be enjoyed. After almost 4 years, Elmedia Player has improved some of those amazing features. So, how are they? Is this media player better or even worse than the earlier versions? Is it better as well compared to any other media players? Here are the results of the tests.

Supporting Numerous Formats

This is one of the greatest things about Elmedia Player. Okay, any other media players may advertise themselves to support many formats. Unfortunately, they are not completely like that. This is probably what is tried by the developer of Elmedia Player. They try to satisfy the customers by keeping their campaign promises. Not only is it for the popular video formats, this player is even compatible with the unpopular ones. Here are then some video formats that can be played by Elmedia Player; FLV, SWF, XAP, RM, MOV, MP4, and more. Interestingly, you can also stream the videos only by submitting the URL source directly. It is so easy to do just by tapping File menu and Open URL.

Media Player for Multitasking People

Have you ever thought to watch the videos while doing other things at once? As an example is when you want to watch something while keeping working in your PC. Well, if you are one of them, Elmedia is definitely a good answer. Make sure to use gadgets with wide screen here. Then, forget manual way in which you must shift the two apps side to side. With this media player from Eltima Software Group, you only need to use the Float on Top Feature. This way, the video played in the Elmedia Player is always attached on the front part. It is no longer covered by other app anyway.

Easy Integration to the Browser

There are many good and interesting videos you probably want to download. However, it is not something easy for many reasons including the limitation of downloader. Well, if you already install the Elmedia Player, downloader may not be that needed. Here is another feature by this player; Integrate into Browser. It is to download, upload, and simply play the videos from the browser. Make sure to follow the instruction to get the Elmedia Player bookmark menu in whatever the browsers you use. Next you can just test it. Open the website page where the video is uploaded it can be directly from your favorite YouTube channel. After the loading process, tap Elmedia button in the bookmark. Automatically, the video is moved to the app where you can see the videos more clearly and easily.

Download Videos More Easily

How is about downloading? Unfortunately, it is only available for the Pro version. There is a ‘Download’ text to directly download the video. Just before that, it is better to determine the saving location to access it more easily. How is it? Just enter the Preferences menu. In the ‘Put New Downloads in’ you can choose the destination folder.

Addition Features to Adjust Videos and Audios

Aside from that, there are some additional features if you can enjoy from the Pro version of Elmedia Player. Some of them are the Playlist Search, Video Tuner to adjust the brightness, contrast, and more, Ten-band Equalizer, and possibilities to change the aspect ratio, flip, mirror, and even rotate. This is also really good for you who like making your own videos. Of course, you don’t need to be an expert now just to adjust and correct the video tone already made. The results can also be enjoyed immediately after going back to the video window. The Playback Speed Control feature, on the other hand, is to adjust the speed. Maybe, you want to learn more about the foreign language presented in the videos by slowing down the speed. Meanwhile, the Equalizer mode is functioned to set up the video to be much clearer.

AirPlay Supports

Do you like streaming the content through AirPlay devices and maybe other Macs? Enjoy the better performance with Elmedia Player. Yes, you can stream the content available in the Elmedia and vice versa. Sure, if you want to watch them in a larger-scale device without being blurred, it is possible also like by using Apple TV.


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