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HomeBusinessCoffee Capsules vs Beans - Which One To Choose?

Coffee Capsules vs Beans – Which One To Choose?

Coffee Trends of 2019


Coffee shops have been creating a bigger drink menu over the last few years. Coffee consumption has raised from 57% to 62% of people and 44% of these coffee drinkers are millennials. Most of the older generations love the acidic taste of black coffee but some people don’t. Especially when it comes to the younger generations. Coffee shakes that were popularized in places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts can now be found in smaller cafes. Another sweeter product on the rise is a variety of flavored lattes. Another way that many places such as, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or Wawa, are appealing to the younger generations is by selling ready-to-drink coffee. These cold brew coffees or frappuccinos are very portable and sweet for the people who don’t like bitterness.


Coffee drinkers as a whole have moved toward more gourmet coffee. It used to be that only a few companies and regions sold coffee but now there is a vast selection. One type of coffee that is being more and more commonly grown is called sustainably grown, which is where the coffee is grown organically without causing land erosion, water erosion, or deforestation. Another popular type of coffee is called fair trade, which is where a company focuses on showing the fair pay and ethical treatment of everyone involved.


Coffee Capsules Vs Coffee Beans


Coffee capsules or pods have become ever popular with coffee drinkers for convenience. Whether you use them or not I’m sure you’ve heard of some such as, K-Cup capsules, Gimoka paper capsules, or Nespresso pods. Espresso and coffee capsule systems do make good espresso and coffee quickly. When it comes to using capsules to make it may not be as good as real espresso but it much quicker and far less expensive. An automated espresso system can cost over $1,000.


If you just don’t have the time and money for an espresso machine, then the capsules are a good way to go. Newer ones such as the Nespresso system even come with a milk frother.


The Lavazza A Modo Mio system is a new espresso maker. Other capsules can even work with it. For example, Gimoka has 4 capsules that work with the system. These are, Intenso, Cremoso, Vellutato, and Soave Decaffeinated. There are 5 Lavazza A Modo Mio capsules for the system. They are, Leggero, Lungo Avvolgente, Decaffeinato Ricco, Armonico, and Deciso. The Lavazza A Modo Mio capsules intensity range from 4 to 10.


While no one will argue that coffee capsules are very convenient, when it comes to espresso, it can only be good, not great. Gimoka coffee artisans use the best Italian roasting practice to perfect their coffee beans. Espresso takes the use of a real espresso machine, skill, and fresh ground coffee beans. Although an automatic espresso machine is expensive, a steam-powered one can be purchased for about $50 but then you will need other tools including a milk frother for roughly $200. Coffee beans or espresso beans are more expensive than the capsules or even pre-ground coffee, but many will agree that you just can’t beat the taste of freshly ground coffee beans.


Check Out Gimoka Coffee UK


Gimoka Coffee UK is the distributor of Gruppo Gimoka, which is an authentic Italian coffee traditionalist company that embraces technology. By combining many products and years of experience they are able to help any customer. Gimoka Coffee UK promises to deliver convenience and quality to your home. Whatever your preference, they deliver coffee pods, beans or ground coffee, and a variety of products around the UK. Gruppo Gimoka has strict quality and safety standards.



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