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HomeBusinessBusiness etiquettes that can leave a lasting impression

Business etiquettes that can leave a lasting impression

The first impression is the most correct, especially if it is negative. This article will focus on business etiquette, on how to make the first and subsequent impressions of company representatives and the company itself arouse a desire to deal with it in the future.

It is impossible to describe etiquette rules for all occasions in one article. For this, thick serious textbooks have been written, detailing the topic. The purpose of this article is to briefly acquaint the reader with the basic rules that are of an applied nature, and with those cases in which they are applicable. Many of us have encountered similar situations in everyday communication, especially those who have to perform representative functions at an official position.

It is especially important to follow the rules of business etiquette in international business contacts since here a violation of generally accepted rules can sometimes cause a break in business relations.

Surely most of what will be discussed in this article, an experienced reader already knows and successfully applies. Nevertheless, I hope that you can find here something new and useful for yourself.

So, business etiquette is a form of behavior accepted in a business environment. Good manners, behavior, tact, delicacy – all this is either brought up in childhood by parents and the environment, or a person consciously develops these qualities in himself as an adult. In the latter case, desire, time and additional knowledge are required.

Preparing and sending invitations

In most cases, you should prepare and send invitations in advance. Official invitations are usually sent out four to three weeks before the date of the event. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to send invitations at a shorter time, but only with the expectation that the invitee must receive it no later than a week before the event itself. Invitation forms are printed. The name of the invitee, his position or title is then entered by hand (preferably) or imprinted. Never forget to hand over your business cards during a meetup to create a lasting impression.

Like no other, the leader needs to be able to keep official secrets with him, as well as the details of his personal life. The latter undermines his authority. The facts of personal life should be given out thoughtfully and metered, so that it plays into your image, and not against it.

Business Etiquettes at an event

The initial task is to choose the type of reception, depending on the occasion of the event. To do this, you must first outline the approximate number of guests, decide where, in which room, by what forces and in what format the event will be arranged.

Hosting Etiquettes

Here guests choose their own meals and drinks on the tables. Long, preferably narrow, tables are set which are arranged in such a way as not to interfere with the free movement of guests.

Typically, the buffet menu consists of a large number of snacks but may include hot dishes that are installed on special heaters. Snacks and hot should be presented in such a way (chopped or portioned) so that it is convenient to eat while standing with one fork. From drinks: punches, whiskey, champagne, wine, juices and water. Sometimes dessert, tea, coffee is served, but not necessary. In several places on the table, plates, forks, knives are laid out in piles; paper napkins are nearby. Drinks are poured either by the waiters at separate tables or by the guests themselves. Often, waiters additionally carry food and drinks around the room. The time for leaving the buffet was not fixed. You can come and go at any time within limits indicated in the invitation.

Dining Etiquettes

An evening reception of the “buffet” type is arranged on special occasions and begins at eight in the evening or later. The menu is similar to the standard buffet menu, only more plentiful. But the dress is more elegant: a black (dark) suit, tuxedo or tailcoat for men and evening gown for women, usually specified in the invitation. All receptions with seating, we sometimes call them a banquet with seating, are arranged for as many guests as can accommodate existing or rented premises. The simplest, of course, is to organize such an event in a restaurant. Although in this case, you must first find out how competent and courteous the staff of the institution is, otherwise the evening can be hopelessly spoiled for both you and your guests.


It is used to gather busy people for a business conversation, with an extremely busy schedule. The uniform is an ordinary business suit. The menu consists of tea, coffee, juice, pastries, preserves, yogurts. Alcoholic drinks for early breakfast are not served.


It’s organized between 12:00 and 15:00 and usually lasts about one and a half hours. The menu, as a rule, is relatively limited, consists of one or two cold appetizers, a hot fish dish and / or a hot meat dish, dessert. Often only one hot meal is served. Before starting, an aperitif is offered, dry wine, juices, champagne, cold snacks can be served. This part takes place in a cocktail format – standing. After which the invitees are sent to the table. When the guests eat, the hostess or the owner gets up and offers to move to another room, where coffee and tea will be served. They can be offered chocolates, miniature cakes, cookies, but not necessarily. If the uniform is not indicated on the invitation, then a casual business suit is suitable.


starts after nine in the evening. Menus and uniforms are similar to lunch. Women can dress even more elegantly than for lunch, with lots of jewelry. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are protocol events with seating arrangements, so you should come to them at the time indicated in the invitation. The permissible time of delay depends on the country of conduct, usually no more than ten to fifteen minutes.

Lunch buffet is a slightly different format. Free seating is organized at small tables of four to six people — separately set tables with snacks and hot dishes (not always hot) and a table with drinks. The invitees themselves put their dishes and sit down at the tables.

High Tea

It’s usually organized between 16-18 hours, most often only for women. In this case, as a rule, one large table is served in the middle of the room. The menu consists mainly of sweets – cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolates and other pastries, honey, preserves, fruits. Small pies with savory filling can be served. Sandwiches (with caviar, fish, cheese, sausage) are rarely served. Although most often, tea is made without alcoholic beverages, it is nevertheless permissible to serve dessert and dry wines to tea. Here are some important rules of highly effective networkers that you must consider.


With these business etiquette rules, you can certainly leave a lasting impression and ensure that you comply with all the conservative requirements.


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