When you buy or sell the book at BooksRun, you will need to use ISBN code to find the book or add your book to the selling list. Maybe, almost all of you don’t know what ISBN is. So, here is some explanation that you can use as a reference as well as some tips to use ISBN code for your activity at BooksRun.
What is ISBN?
ISBN is an abbreviation of International Standard Book Number. This is identification number for every book in the world. So, all books that you can find in this world and published in the modern era have this code printed on its cover. You can find 10 to 13 digits number code on it and barcode for scanning purpose. ISBN also can be used to determine the edition of the book. Therefore, if you are looking for the latest version of the textbook at BooksRun, you can use ISBN as well.
Save More Money with ISBN
Actually, if you buy the book from BooksRun, you also can use ISBN to save more money. What you need to do is using the ISBN code to find the older edition than the latest one. The older edition usually has a cheaper price, compared to the newer one. However, if you want to buy this cheaper textbook, you must consult with your professor first. Find out if the older edition is still suitable for the lesson that you will receive in your class.
Finding the Book
To find the book that you need, you just need to type the ISBN code on the search bar at BooksRun. Then, you will find the option, whether you want to buy or sell a book. Make sure you choose correct option, so you will get the book that you need. The ISBN code can be found on the back cover of the book. There are also many books that place the code on the inside of the cover near the copyright page. So, make sure you find it carefully. This is also important if you want to sell your book. Make sure you choose the correct option for the ISBN code, such as “hardcover” or “audiobook”, so your book can be received successfully
For the 13-digits code, you will find 978 numbers at the start of the code. And, you will find 0, 1, or 2 on the 10-digits code. You need to type the code correctly, to find the book that you want. Or, if you use the mobile gadget, you can use the application that can scan the barcode under the ISBN code to get the right code that you need.
The good thing about BooksRun is you also can compare the book using ISBN code. When you search the book using this code, you will find a page that has the list of the book that matches with that code and the price for each of them. That will give you the opportunity to compare and find the most affordable one for you. Basically, ISBN code is an important thing for a book. If you know how to use it, you will get a lot of benefits from it, especially if you shop at BooksRun.