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8 Blogging Ideas for When You’ve Hit a Creative Wall


In the early days of writing, you had numerous blogging ideas that caused you to stay up late.  It was exciting. The words and ideas kept spilling out of you without control.

Your followers commended your work. They used words like “engaging” and “insightful” to describe your writing.

Suddenly, it stopped. You hit a wall, and your creative juice dried up. Don’t brood. It happens to the best of us.

The first time I experienced a creative wall, I panicked. I was not done with my to-write list. I had deadlines to meet and readers waiting on me. But I had nothing to offer.

I paced, ate my feelings in a bowl of ice cream, and worried a lot. I remember chanting, ‘’I have no juice to write.’’ Words I later realized every creative could relate with, no matter their level of experience.

As athletes need lots of exercises to get better, creatives also need a mind and spirit exercise. These tried-and-tested strategies will help you tackle your creative impasse.

1. Close Your Computer, Open a Book

Reading is ammunition for writing. When the idea-generating parts of your brain freeze, pick up a book.  Reading offers access to brilliant storytellers, thinkers, historians, philosophers. You enter a world that could spur you to action.

Author of A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L. Engle, shared that she reads particle physics and theology to inspire her.

Anytime I hit a creative wall, reading is my #1 exercise. I search for books on various topics. I chose whatever looks good and read like I’m dying of thirst.

You can never go wrong with a book. The more knowledge you take in, the better for your brain. When you hit a wall, it’s best to read books outside your niche.

It’s a great way to learn from the author’s use of language and style of writing. You can also read magazines or other industry blog posts for in-depth knowledge.

2.  Step Out, Enjoy Nature

Psychologists Stephen and Rachel Kaplan recommend that the ability to focus can be restored by walking in nature.

Close your laptop, and enjoy some fresh air. Pick a park or the beach. Anywhere that brings you closer to nature and gives a new perception.

Nature is everywhere, no matter your environment. It doesn’t have to be in the woods or forest. That may be unsafe. The top of a building is a good place.  I usually walk or drive through my neighborhood.

The smell of nature, the warm breeze on your face, meeting, and observing new people could stimulate your creativity.

3. Visit the Past, Use a Notepad

There’s nothing more sterile than gazing at a blank screen with zero inspiration. Once you hit a block, close your laptop and pick a notebook.

Writing on a notepad sounds ancient. But, I promise you, it works wonders. The unrestricted freedom of penning words can inspire your creativity. It engages your mind and allows you to ask specific questions.

Yes, the process might be rough, and you may cancel a lot of what you’ve written (nobody will see the notepad anyway), but it’s worth it.

For example, write down a 1000 word post on any topic. It’s a brainstorming session, and it doesn’t have to be award-winning. The important thing is to write. Eventually, you’ll find some blogging ideas that can be developed into something beautiful.

4. Get Inspiration from Music

Just like writing, music is a personal experience. It can do incredible things for your mind.  Listening to music or watching a live band inspires me. It stirs up the right emotions to overcome a creative wall.

For instance, if you are writing a bubbly piece, you could choose a happy-go-lucky tune. Don’t distract yourself with music that induces conflicting emotions. Find the right music to suit the mood.

Music resonates with us differently. A song that calms me may induce feelings of irritation in another writer. Understand what works for you and use it.

5. Find a New Muse

Every copywriter has a muse. Your muse can be anything from your daily routine, a different form of art, or a new song. Explore possibilities; whatever form it takes as long as it helps you.

If you can’t find a new muse, explore how some of your favorite creatives seek inspiration for themselves. Numerous writers like Stephen King have documented their creative process. Read about how writers structure their days and incorporate it into your routine.

6. Create a Blogging Structure

Restrict the range of what you blog about. Too much freedom can be overwhelming, and writing without focus leads to confusion.

A structure helps you create a smooth writing experience. Choose a niche for your blog and stick to it. If you’re having trouble picking a niche, check out other blogs and how they segment their posts.

Do keyword research to identify top-ranked content from your competitors and phrases people use when looking for content in your niche.

You also need to understand search intent, build out these keywords into topic clusters and content calendars to streamline your process. if this seems complicated, understanding the basics of SEO copywriting could help you figure it out

7. Engage your audience

Asking questions is a smart way to generate blog post ideas from your audience. Remember, writing for the web is writing for the people. So, ask them what they need.

For example, there’s a rise in price in a copywriting tool. Ask your audience how it’s affecting them. Are they passing the cost to their client? Have they considered an alternative? Once your audience expresses themselves, the ideas will flow naturally.

Your blog is not the only place you can ask questions. Use your social media page, visit niche blogs, and ask questions in the comments sections.

8. Outsource

Sometimes, a long break or weekend getaway is all you need to recharge. Outsource or hire a freelance copywriter to take off the pressure. Use the time to catch up with other activities you enjoy, do some yoga, and rest up.

The Takeaway

Consistency is key to a great blogging strategy. After writing many blog posts, it’s only natural to hit a wall. The next time you are petrified of the blank page, or you think you’ve lost creativity, try these strategies. Creativity comes in a different form. Find what works for you and stick to it.


Author Bio

Chima excels in creating SEO-optimized web content that drives traffic and increases conversions for online businesses. She is an experienced copywriter who has published on numerous top blogs such as Jeff Bullas, Search Engine Watch, and Hacker Noon. You can find her at Zenith Copy.

Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman
He is a professional SEO specialist & a freelance writer with a lot of passion to write about technology, startups, travel, lifestyle & other niches. He has contributed to many famous websites. He lives, breathes digital marketing, and helped many companies to grow their business. His main goal is to spread his knowledge that he grabbed in many years and ideas to all generations.

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