2021 Cyber Security Tips To Master


The year 2020 is one that millions of people around the world would love to forget. However, instead of looking back at the negatives, there can be some useful insights on how to prepare for 2021.

The element of homeworking has come to the foreground of many businesses and the benefits have been made clear, such as lower travel costs and more time at home with loved ones. However, with more and more people now doing their jobs from home-based offices, there are now a great deal more devices that are prone to cyber-attacks.

Here are some top tips to master, to keep your device safe in 2021.

Go Private

Extranets within a business are great if you are all working within the same building, however, by working from entirely remote devices there is an extra risk of hackers getting through. 

Upping the levels of security is a no-brainer and perhaps one of the easiest ways to get it started is by joining up with a VPN service. A Virtual Private Network is highly encrypted and only permits access to authorized users. A 16 or 32-bit code is provided to gain entry and only those with the code can enter. It will take hackers a very long time to crack the codes.

In addition, finding the bestvpn also has multiple security features already built-in, making them a must-have component for optimizing safety online.

Staying clear of ransomware

Potentially very damaging to a business, ransomware is an act by hackers in which they steal information and threaten to publish it live on the Internet. 

During 2020 there has been a large increase in attacks on clouds because of the sheer increase of data being stored on them. If a hacker manages to access a business’ database there is a mountain of data which could effectively result in the complete breakdown of the said business if it got leaked. 

Staying ahead of the game means keeping in control of data being stored on the cloud, and maintaining vigilance for any suspicious activity. Training employees in trends and what to look for can help efficiently reduce the risk of being caught off guard.

Don’t forget the passwords

Although mind-numbing at the best of times, passwords still play a key defense in keeping hackers out of private accounts.

Simple password techniques are often overlooked and are also the result of successful cybercrime as a direct result. Setting a good password combining a selection of numbers, characters, upper and lower case letters is always a good start, and infrequently changing them is an even better step forward.

Frequent password changes can easily create recognizable patterns for hackers, so perfect the art of doing it on an irregular basis so that hackers have no idea when it is changing.

If you struggle to come up with a completely random password there are multiple generators online which can do the job on your behalf.